Daily Schedule


Morning classes are 8:00 until 11:10 Monday thru Friday and afternoon classes are from 12:00 until 3:10 Monday thru Thursday.

Learning Centers: Student directed work that includes dramatic play, science/sensory, writ-ing, reading, art, small motor and building/block area

Community Circle: Pledge of Allegiance, calendar, weather, songs, and social skills (through Biblical examples)

Snack Time: A healthy snack is provided daily

Outdoor Exploration: Gross motor development activities

Story Time: Focus book, Bible story, sound of the week and other literacy activities

Small Group Time: Teacher directed activities designed for learning objectives in math, science and literacy

Chapel & Music: Mondays at 8:30 & 12:30

Rejoice in the Day: Recall of our day, prayer, and goodbye song

Tuition and Fees

Eagle’s Nest Preschool welcomes
children 3 through 6 years of age.

$40.00 non-refundable registration fee per
student is due at time of student registration.

5 days a week (mornings): $240.00

4 days a week (afternoons): $220.00

3 days a week
(mornings or afternoon): $180.00

2 days a week
(mornings or afternoons): $140.00

Eagle’s Nest Preschool

1050 Yampa Avenue
Craig, Colorado 81625
(970) 824-2552